
15 Smart Comebacks Making Great Points

Two images from /r/clevercomebacks
Two images from /r/clevercomebacks

Published July 16, 2024

Published July 16, 2024

Everyone has found themselves in need of a comeback or insult at some point in time. Every argument or disagreement could use a good one. For most people, it is never that easy to come up with the most perfect comeback. Comebacks tend to only come to mind after the debate or argument is done, like when it isn't needed any longer, which is the most frustrating thing. Others though can come up with the most perfect comeback or insult on the spot, which is just impressive. Of course, online, there is some time to think about an appropriate response but still, some of the things people figure out to say are just so spot on.

Whether it's a real debate or just someone sharing their two cents, Reddit's /r/clevercomebacks is a subreddit filled with people being totally owned on the internet. Some of these replies have got to leave a mark. So here are 15 clever comebacks and witty responses from all corners of the web that are truly commendable.

Never getting all our money

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Clearly it's meant to be

(Source: Reddit)

It exists

(Source: Reddit)

No need for them

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Makes sense

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't approve that

(Source: Reddit)

At least he was honest

(Source: Redd)

They have so much money

(Source: Reddit)

That's gotta hurt

(Source: Reddit)

Ya never know

(Source: Reddit)

Agree to agree

(Source: Reddit)

There we go

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe they should check that out

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/clevercomebacks, clever comebacks, insults, comebacks, kids, twitter, money, football, soccer, dominos, florida man, facebook, microsoft, opera, social media, the internet, jobs, work, botox, doctors, delusional people, coding, collections,