
15 Social Media Users Who Had No Clue Who They Were Talking To

Two images from /r/dontyouknowwhoiam
Two images from /r/dontyouknowwhoiam

Published April 23, 2024

Published April 23, 2024

Sometimes you just don't realize who it is you're talking to, and that's embarrassing. It's always best to double-check that the person you're talking about isn't the person you're talking to, but hey, everyone makes mistakes. Someone saying "don't you know who I am?" generally comes across as pretty mighty and pretentious, but in the cases seen on Reddit's /r/DontYouKnowWhoIAm, it's pretty necessary.

The people featured in this subreddit did not do their homework before sending out a message or laying down some criticism, and it turns out the person in question is the expert on the subject… Whoops! The amount of second-hand embarrassment from some of these screenshots is overwhelming, like how can some people make such a big mistake. One way or another though, it's entertaining to see, and is a good reminder to think twice before overestimating your knowledge on a subject, especially if you know you aren't the master of it. Here are 15 awkward moments of people not realizing who they were talking to.

This is awkward

(Source: Reddit)

Don't think that's gonna happen

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, get a job

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's okay, don't fret

(Source: Reddit)

Good suggestion

(Source: Reddit)

Double check before assuming

(Source: Reddit)

He did not know who he was

(Source: Reddit)

It's him!

(Source: Reddit)

You're talking to 'this dude'

(Source: Reddit)

That's him

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hey, Jason

(Source: Reddit)

"I guess"

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/dontyouknowwhoiam, don't you know who i am, cringe, twitter, embarassing, thats awkward, twitch, stephen king, gaming, video games, netflix, cunk on earth, hockey, sports, phineas and ferb, reddit, university, school, facepalm, /r/facepalm, collections,