
15 Stories So Fake They're Funny

Two images from r/thathappened
Two images from r/thathappened

Published February 21, 2024

Published February 21, 2024

Lying on the Internet is a hobby for some people. Some users of the web have a whole different life online compared to their real one. Is this inherently a wrong thing to do? I guess not. The issue is that so many of these people create these insane stories that just aren't true. It's embarrassing to see someone post something so cringeworthy and tone-deaf thinking the whole world is going to believe it. Whether the lie is to gain attention or clout, to raise awareness for some movement, or just to be a troll, it's bad.

Reddit's /r/ThatHappened is the sarcastically named subreddit that is home to so many of these lies, they are documented for all to see, forever. Here are 15 embarrassing posts full of the fakest stories out there for all to make fun of, from moms lying about their "genius" toddlers to grown men lying about their accomplishments.

Totally Real Exchange

(Source: Reddit)

Sooo Crazy

(Source: Reddit)

Did He Say That? Did He?

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever You Say

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, What?

(Source: Reddit)

She Just Knew

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Sure She Did

(Source: Reddit)

This is About Kate Middleton

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cash is King Superiority

(Source: Reddit)

Okay Buddy

(Source: Reddit)

3 Miles in 10 Minutes

(Source: Reddit)

What the Actual -

(Source: Reddit)

He's So Scary

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: that happened, r/thathappened, cringe, stories, lying, fake stories, text, work, boss, starbucks, taylor swift, kids, twitter, insane people, school, tiktok, reddit, facebook, fb, insane people facebook, collections,