
15 Stories That Clearly Didn't Happen

Two images from /r/thathappened
Two images from /r/thathappened

Published April 09, 2024

Published April 09, 2024

Being caught in a lie is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to someone, so why do some people make it so easy? If someone is going to lie about something, especially if it's something big, they better make it a good lie, because when it isn't it's just awkward. It happens all the time on the Iinternet, people making up big, miraculous, unbelievable, or just perfect stories to gain some sort of clout or attention from it.

Some of them are to make the person seem like a better person, some to push an agenda, some to ruffle some feathers. Whatever it is, the lies are so easy to see right through. That's why there is a whole subreddit dedicated to sharing these so obviously fake or dramatized stories for everyone to shame and laugh at. Reddit's sarcastically titled /r/thatHappened is full of these kinds of stories, and while they are entertaining, they are just that, there is no truth to any of these. Here are 15 very fake stories where "everyone clapped" at the end.

I'm sure this happens constantly

(Source: Reddit)

They studied her account in school

(Source: Reddit)

That doesn't seem worth it

(Source: Reddit)

That 3-year-old did not say that

(Source: Reddit)

Kids these days

(Source: Reddit)

There's always gotta be a crying kid

(Source: Reddit)

Okay this is just silly

(Source: Reddit)

When you want everyone to know you have a 'ballroom'

(Source: Reddit)

Sure buddy

(Source: Reddit)

Oh please

(Source: Reddit)

He did not say that

(Source: Reddit)

Just some LinkedIn cringe

(Source: Reddit)

Weird flex

(Source: Reddit)

What a quirky boss

(Source: Reddit)

Like a medical celebrity or something

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/thathappened, cringe, cringeworthy, fake stories, instagram, reels, gym, modesty, parenting, influencers, /r/askreddit, reddit, school, kids, moms, girl boss, cycling, humble brag, tiktok, the matrix, red, collections,