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14 Terrible Parents Discovered In Facebook's Mom Groups

There is a Facebook group out there for everyone, literally. The "groups" feature on Facebook is a great one for the most part. It's an easy way for people with similar interests, lifestyles, or clubs to get together to share and discuss whatever. One of the most prevalent kinds of groups is parenting groups. These groups are open to parents of all kinds asking questions and getting advice about just about anything, but the things some of these parents, especially moms, choose to ask are just insane. They really expose everything in these groups without a care in the world.

Some people just should not have kids, and some of the posts that can be found in these groups prove that. Fortunately, there are a lot of people out there who wish to expose the insanity that can be found within these groups. Some of them may be slightly shocking, or more than slightly. Here are just 14 that are worthy of a sad head-shaking.


Jul 1. Me hitting a nasty drift forgetting I have a pet in the back

(Source: Reddit)

At least the dad is standing up

Anonymous member · 6 h · . Please help asap! I am soo furious and frustrated. Background first, my husband is a mainstream dentist, not into crunchy at all. My son has had some sinus pressure the past couple weeks, turning into pain under his eyes and a migraine yesterday. So we had a phone call appt with a dr. He prescribed an inhaler and flonase and antibiotic if needed. While I was getting the prescription, I looked up natural remedies for his symptoms. I went to my husband to talk to him about trying these things first and all I got was the usual, 'you hate doctors (which isnt true but he keeps saying in front of my children), you think fluoride is bad and I've seen it help people's teeth and I've never seen anyone die from flouride and we don't need to do that natural stuff on this acute problem, maybe next time before it's really hurting we can see if it'll work.' And he's taking my kids down with him, they think because he's a dentist he knows everything about teeth and medical stuff so my knowledge is useless and 'doesn't work'... my teens have used an entire tube of floradex which is a specificly fluoride toothpaste. My son won't try the 'natural' remides for his sinus pressure. Just wants motrin and flonase. I am so furious I could spit... I don't know if I can keep co-parenting like this. (But obviously divorce isn't the answer so I have to...) Any ideas?? I don't know what to do.

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine being so out of touch

Out of curiosity, what does everyone do with their kids on the weekend? We have a full time nanny and a nanny who comes Saturdays, but we are totally lost on what to do with our super active 16 month old all day on Sundays when we are all home... Can you guys give me some ideas on how to make weekends fun, because right now my husband and I sit around the house bored and take turns entertaining our son. I'm 6 months pregnant with another boy and we are losing it.

(Source: Reddit)


Yall I just gotta vent because I cannot stop thinking about it. We visited my MIL today and my daughter was yanking at her shirt. This lady literally whips her t out in front of her kids and ex husband and says "what happened baby you want b ☐ cause mommy stopped giving it to you" and continues to allow my daughter to grab it. then she says "stop it baby or mom will get jealous" everyone was laughing but awkwardly laughing and I just had to look down at my phone and hold my composure. My husband stopped it and said it's getting weird now put your b away

(Source: Reddit)

I wonder

I dont have a car at the moment, I don't have money for ubers and it's been raining for me to walk my kids to school. I have such a mad guilt feeling for not getting them to school this last few months as often as I should, I am a full time student and I have the ability to do my studies from home so anytime its been raining I've kept the boys home but now they're starting to not like school and its bugging me because I wanted to keep a healthy relationship with school but given that I've had no way to take them I'm stuck against a wall. What do I do? Keep them home until rain clears, or walk in rain with the kids??

(Source: Reddit)

This can't be okay

< 3d ✔ . Follow ... Before there was Baby Formula: This is what was used... What y'all know about this? Here's the recipe: The best baby formula out there. Here's how you moms do this-1 can of Carnations milk mix with boiling hot water (1 can of water, so use the empty milk can to measure) add two table spoons of white Karo syrup mix well and pour in baby bottles you got 13 ozs of formula at least 3 full 6 oz bottles for 3 feedings at $1.29 per can !!! Next best thing besides b feeding. the cooking mi Nestle Carnation Evaporated Milk Vitamin D Mded PET EVAPORATED MILK VITAMIN D ADDED Cup Easy Measure! Og High Fructose Corn Syrup Karo LIGHT CORN SYRUP WITH REAL VANILLA 16 FL. OZ. (1 PT.) 473ml Like Comment Send Share 7.2K

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Gotta keep 'em looking sharp

Level 1 contributor 2h. Do yall think 2 is too young for gel polish wet polish take to long to dry & baby always mess up her nails before the dry b1 ✓ Like 37 comments Comment Send Idk that I'd be comfortable with that light on my toddler's skin Like Reply Write a comment... 21

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Sounds like a deal

2d Pay will be $400 a week Looking for childcare local to or will be working in Aurora. For a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old. Starting ASAP will be starting 7 days a week and 12 hour shifts. Hours for babysitting would be 6am-7:45ish pm. I will also under go training before hand and that pay would be the same. Also plus all there food provided diapers for my two year old who insist potty trained fully yet and whichever else you might need.

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe… stop drinking it

Mamas Anonymous member • 46m I'm trying to find out if anybody ended up with stomachs flu type symptoms after getting raw milk locally last week?!? My husbands labs came back positive for the bacteria campylobacter which can be found in raw milk (we've never had an issue before) and now I'm experiencing the same symptoms. He ended up in the ER it was so bad. Just trying to do some recourse to figure out if it was from the milk or somewhere else! 5 comments ✓ Like Comment Send

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How do people like this exist?

< 26m *cross posted- ppl were losing their minds in the other group- I knew this lot would appreciate this more lol UNSCHOOL FOR THE WIN!!! Today, my daughters who are ages 6 & 4, walked from our home to the nearest Starbucks with my debit card and purchased morning treats for everyone!! I gave them directions and instructions prior to leaving our home. We discussed stranger danger and how to not become an easy target for predators. We discussed how to place an order and how to pay. They carried no electronic devices, just water bottles and a hand drawn map by yours truly They did so well! They understood the assignment and completed the mission. My babies are so smart and capable! I just love the life we live. #unschool #homeschool #selftaught #lifeskills Starbucks 37 min 36 min Fastest Starbucks Order Bluebing Scand Von caramel ribbe crunch fro Directions My Location Starbucks *Walk Avoid v ☀87° AQI 34->

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@littlegraceph 8:02 zd I asked God to send me a man who will always love me... So He gave me a son. ✓ Like Q Comment Send OD 258 Top com This type of mentality is very unhealthy 2d Like Reply Write a comment... (GIF) 7 b Littlegraceph •

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Yeah… I guess they did get mad

1d Any recommendations for day cares in the area? My son recently got kicked from his old day care because he isn't potty trained. Top comments ✓ Q 3 Day School 4 hrs Like Reply 1 Author yes thats the one he got kicked out of. Staff got upset because he smeared his feces all over the walls. OBJ 3 hrs Like Reply

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My dog pawed and clawed my baby in the eye this morning should I squirt b It milk into her eye? She is doing ok now but want to know what anyone here has done! Like Q Comment Send Top comments く Silver first, then br milk. Eyes heal fast, I wouldn't worry too much. 9h Like Reply 1 b

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Kids do notice things

Hi everyone - posting anonymously cause I feel like a really bad mum... My little girl will be 5 at the end of this month - and for background is usually happy watching her own shows on her phone, our TV shows or watching her dad play games on the Xbox like Call of Duty or Fallout... so just over a month ago we decided to watch the fallout TV show on prime and my little girl was keen to watch too so we put it on over dinner time for us to watch together. As we were watching two of the characters started to get intimate and so we paused and fast forwarded to avoid this unfortunately on the bit we started it again, one of the characters stabs the other in the stomach and this is where we immediately turned it off without making a big deal about it and put on something more lighthearted... About a month ago before bed my daughter broke down in tears and became distraught at the fact she couldn't get this scene out of her head and that she was worried it would happen to me...I obviously reassured her that it wasn't real, that we were safe etc and that this wouldn't happen.... But now several times a week she mentions this to me while we are laying in bed together and while she doesn't get as upset as she was that night, she still seems unsettled by it. If it's a daddy out down she doesn't mention it and she also hasn't mentioned it before bed on a recent trip away... Is there any advice on what I can do to help her? I've tried redirecting her attention but I'm limited on this

(Source: Reddit)

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