15 Times Karens Voiced Their Deranged Takes Online
Though the slang term first appeared quite a few years ago, "Karens" still are Karening everywhere, and if anything, they're only getting angrier. It's infuriating to see how they treat people, and even more infuriating that they don't seem to care they're horrible people. They attempt to justify their behavior as standing up for themselves, when really, it's just harassing and threatening minimum-wage employees. And now, they claim "Karen" is a slur. It's not.
The following images show Karens in their natural habitats; while we're used to seeing them in every local Walmart, their favorite environment also tends to be online reviews and platforms like Facebook. Though Karens are obviously all too prevalent offline, there are thousands of them online, too, and they're always posting about any slightly disappointing experience they had anywhere, usually to doxx someone or demand a boycott of the local family-owned stores. Here are 15 times Karens needed a reality check.