15 Times Reality Was Super Disappointing
Unfortunately, not everything in life is going to go as planned, it just happens sometimes. From time to time, something will look really cool and exciting, like an ad for something or a new product in the store, only to find out it's nothing like it's pictured to be. It happens a lot with food, especially fast food and those quick meals found in the freezers of grocery stores. Everyone knows somewhere deep inside that they aren't going to turn out like the photo on the box, but for some reason, we keep falling for the marketing again and again.
It is still truly disappointing to be let down by something after getting your hopes up about it. Reddit's /r/ExpectationVsReality is a subreddit where people can share their disappointing moments online for the whole world to see and shake their heads at. Here are 15 times life was super disappointing for people. There will definitely be some second-hand sadness from some of these examples.