
15 Totally Real Stories That Definitely Happened

posts from /r/thathappened
posts from /r/thathappened

Published June 04, 2024

Published June 04, 2024

You can never really trust everything you tell you on the internet. We live in an age of misinformation unlike anything else we've seen before, so much so that many platforms have resorted to having independent fact-checkers for each piece of information that's put out. With so much falsehood being spread online, you're inclined to take every story you hear with a grain of salt unless the person telling it can provide substantial evidence proving it happened.

This is where the subreddit /r/thatHappened comes in, serving as a depository of all the hilariously over-the-top stories that probably never happened, but that doesn't stop people from spreading their fantasies. Each post represents a story that's so comical that you can't help but laugh at it, from odd hot tub encounters to baristas matching someone's incredibly creepy energy, each story is a look into the delusional worldview of many people online, and how they won't stop at anything to make themselves look good to other strangers on the internet.

Yeah, sure buddy

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's not "lifelike" anyways

(Source: Reddit)

All was right with the world…

(Source: Reddit)

DJs get paid before performances

(Source: Reddit)

Don't end up like a normal woman!

(Source: Reddit)

The chosen one

(Source: Reddit)

The class rebel

(Source: Reddit)

Good times!

(Source: Reddit)

100% written by a woman

(Source: Reddit)

Don't mess with Hatsune Miku

(Source: Reddit)

Tattoo shop messes with the wrong one

(Source: Reddit)

Insight from a seven-year-old

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: that happened, true story, cringe, cringeworthy, /r/thathappened, fake, collections,