15 Very Public Moments Of Parenting Insanity

There is a Facebook group for just about anything out there. Facebook's "groups" feature allows for people who have the same interests and lifestyles to come together and share their ideas and questions with others. This is a very popular thing for parents to do especially. Parenting groups on Facebook are great for some things, but not so much for others. It is actually shocking to see just what some people are willing to put out there about their kids and their lives.
From parents who hate doctors and medical care to ones who clearly never should have had kids in the first place. Just about anything can be found from scrolling through these groups for long enough. Reddit has a subreddit for exposing these insane, scumbag parents. Holistic moms, almond moms, and just insane moms are some of what is presented in these 15 insane moments of online parenting.