16 4th Of July Memes To Celebrate America's Birthday

248 years ago, the United States of America declared its independence eagle screech and the world has never been the same again additional eagle screech. Spreading from sea to shining sea, the nation won wars, built factories and stubbornly refused to adopt the metric system.
When people survey American culture and its impact, they often talk about Hollywood, Hip Hop and Rock and Roll. But another major American cultural export has to be memes. Some of the best formats come from American internet communities, which have gifted the world their unique sense of humor, their progressive and revolutionary charm, and their insistence on Freedom. Eagle screech
This is America, for better or worse, in good times and bad. It's a country of grand ideals and staggering greed, blue jeans and barbecue. And, because of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution they crafted, no matter what we retain the inalienable right to never learn what a kilometer Is. Concluding eagle screech