
16 Oblivious People Not Realizing Who They're Talking To

Two images from /r/dontyouknowwhoiam
Two images from /r/dontyouknowwhoiam

Published April 26, 2024

Published April 26, 2024

Something that happens far too often online is people do not realize they are criticizing an expert. It happens in just about every field, on every topic imaginable, from video games to discussions on health and medicine. Online, some people think they know everything, and it gets embarrassing when these kinds of people meet up with the person who actually does know it all, and they get proven so wrong. It's kind of satisfying, actually.

Generally, someone asking "Don't you know who I am?" comes across as pretentious and self-righteous, but in cases like these, it is definitely warranted. Before making any broad assumptions or criticizing someone, it's probably best to double-check who exactly they are, because the people in Reddit's /r/DontYouKnowWhoIAm, did not do this, leaving them in an awkward, and pretty cringeworthy situation. Here are 16 people who didn't realize the person they are talking about, happens to be the person they are talking to.

Simple answer to a simple question

(Source: Reddit)

A classic

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I am Columbus

(Source: Reddit)

Next level cringe

(Source: Reddit)

That's embarrassing

(Source: Reddit)

For real?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Dude's an economist

(Source: Reddit)

What did you do at 14?

(Source: Reddit)

She'd probably agree

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Not the right person to market that to

(Source: Reddit)

…Yeah it's confirmed

(Source: Reddit)

He said it, guys

(Source: Reddit)

Did you even read the article YOU wrote?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/dontyouknowwhoiam, dont you know who i am, facepalm, twitter, reddit, white people twitter, science, tumblr, youtube, music, comments, youtube shorts, avatar, tiktok, food, restaurants, sports, olympics, owned, running, health, collections,