
17 Horrible Memes That Are Prime Examples Of How Unfunny People Can Truly Be

memes from /r/comedycemetery.
memes from /r/comedycemetery.

Published November 04, 2024

Published November 04, 2024

If you want to feel like the funniest person alive, the best thing you can do is to browse this collection of some of the most unfunny memes you can think of, collected right from the depths of Reddit's /r/comedycemetery. Here, jokes and memes go to die, and then people decide to dance on the joke's grave long after it has decomposed, resulting in a horrific mess of a meme, often missing the comedic mark entirely.

Each meme here is an example of either a terribly made joke, an out-of-touch post or just a pretty bad meme in general, and that's the beauty of this subreddit. For all the great memes that you can find online, there are also quite a few terrible ones, and there are entire subreddits dedicated to collecting all of the unfunny memes in one place for the public's enjoyment, or suffering, depending on how you look at it.

Gen-Z marketing at its finest

What type of humor is this?

(Source: Reddit)

Super creative, huh?

(Source: Reddit)

Never tell them about your weakness!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Someone needs their internet points!

(Source: Reddit)

The expert

(Source: Reddit)

Too edgy for normal people!

(Source: Reddit)

Xavier with his funny comments!

(Source: Reddit)

Hardy har har!

(Source: Reddit)

Hilarious answer!

(Source: Reddit)

God blast you!

(Source: Reddit)

Some motivational words!

(Source: Reddit)

Not the time

(Source: Reddit)

Based Roblox and Fortnite!?

(Source: Reddit)

Yoda has spoken on Hawk Tuah

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing beats the original…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy cemetery, ironic memes, bad memes, jokes, unfunny, reddit,