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17 Insane Mothers Exposing Their Terrible Parenting On Facebook

It is crazy to see what some people are willing to share with the online world. With so many sites and forums out there, anyone can share whatever they want. One place in particular makes it super easy for people to come together and talk about their lives and troubles with like-minded individuals. Facebook's group feature brings people together. There is a large amount of parenting groups specifically, for new moms and seasoned moms, all looking for support and advice.

As with everything though, there are some insane people on there. Some parents feel perfectly safe exposing their insane methods and posing their unhinged questions for all to see. Some of the content on these groups is truly shocking. Reddit's /r/S***MomGroupsSay is a group that captures all of these wild Facebook moments for everyone to share and shame. Here are 17 posts that are so bad they are pretty unbelievable.

Why a Chiropractor?

17h. I need help... I'm at my wits end. I have a 9 year old that wets the bed 1 or 2 times a week. He stops drinking at 6:30 every night and still will have an accident. Has anyone else gone through this and have a solution? I want to take him to the chiropractor but my husband refuses. I won't put him on medication. Help!!!! 32 comments

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Anonymous member 2d8888 Going anonymously because I always get attacked in the group. If you don't like it don't comment please: Mummas who want to/ are raising masculine boys what are some core values to teach them? 13 37 comments

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That Escalated

Asking Out of curiosity... does this type of friend exist and where can I find them? Where do I find a friend that will be my bff, come hang out with me, have play dates, girls day, target runs, make dinner, but at the end of the day please my husband with me? Comment Like 92 Top comments ✓ I was like "oh h. MASSIVE hault 8h Like Reply yeah" then a best of luck girl Right! The post Send escalated very quickly 8h Like Reply 153 380

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2d s post Top comments ✓ (WI) ISO recommendations for chiropractors for newborns Q23 Moms Q

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Cannot Be Serious

Posting with permission for a friend!! Is this boy or girl she's 22 weeks. some say girl some say boy would love some feed back from other moms

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We were planning a trip to disneyland next summer while in california for a wedding and was just alerted by family members that live there (without kids and who havent been) that the homeless population is now allowed free entry and they are taking over the park?? I cant imagine this to be the case but has anyone seen evidence of this since going recently?! Thanks!

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Chiro Fixes All

She may have built up tension is why she's to hold her head up. A trip to the chiropractor can help with that. 2d Like Reply or she's just a curious baby with some head control. 2d Like Reply 27 2

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Down with Santa

1h. The satan claws lie awaits us how do you deal with family members chiming in about how honorable it is to lie to precious little children? I just don't say anything to their kids but I'm honest with mine, Christmas is about Jesus Christ. 24 50 comments

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Take a Gamble on Sight

Crunchy Mamas 20h. Yo mamas! My poor little bitty 1yr old has pink eye I have colloidal silver but have never used it as I always had mama milk on tap. This little man is adopted though so I have no mama milk for him. How are you all using colloidal silver for eyes? Do I need to dilute it? Does it sting?

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Sounds.. Risky

Anyone getting rid of any chemistry items? Homeschooling and lots of cool projects to do! (I do not know anything about chemistry-learning alongside my daughter!) Like Comment Send

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A Month of Fevers

x Not crunchy related, but unsure if my 2.5 year daughter has an ear infection or a ruptured eardrum. She's my only child and never had an ear infection, so I don't know if it's a rupture if it's ER worthy? Or wait to see Ped on Monday? Her temp is 101, ear is red, yellow pus like discharge, and green drainage. She has had a fever on and off since the beginning of October (no other symptoms) and recently has had a runny nose with blood in it, but I chalked that up to the change in weather. She did today just started putting her finger in her ear. she also has not been napping which is abnormal and not eating much. This fluid all did come on today. I noticed it while at my in-laws earlier.

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$300 a Month on Disney

Posting anonymous due to so much mom judgement. This was not easy to share and I am being vulnerable. Please be kind. We live in CA btw: My husband and I make $295k combined a year. We still feel like we are living pay check to pay check. We don't qualify for absolutely any government services/discounts: Can you share some of your money saving tips for me? Here are some expenses that are non negotiables for us: Mortgage, bills, fuel, and groceries (includes dog food): $17k/month Car notes and auto insurance: $900/month Pet insurance: $200/month My kids extra curricular activities: $500/month Disney annual passes (we both obviously agree this isn't a necessity, but it's our stress free family activity we look forward to): $300/month School loans: $250/month Home cleaner: $600 a month (we literally have no time to do it ourselves. The little time we both have off, we try to do family stuff. She comes every Wednesday and deep cleans, does laundry, etc. The only reason our home is and stays tidy) Eating out/meal service for the week. Think every table,etc : $700/mo I hate that we eat out almost daily and buy prepped meals. We both have little time off. The last thing I am thinking off after working 10-12hrs a day is cooking. Please don't come at me. I feel so overwhelmed writing all this already. Random pic of a recent breakfast for algorithms purposes:

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11-Year-Old Babysitting Until 2am

Hello. Area I am posting on behalf of my daughter she is 11 years old and looking to offer babysitting services in h. license which includes CPR. Like y. We are located in She has her babysitters : She has been babysitting her sister alone for over a year. Has experience with children ages 3 months to 10 years old. She is very playful, attentive and responsible! We have references available if requested! ... She is available most evenings and can babysit as late as 11 pm on weeknights and 2am on the weekends. We can drive her and pick her up - she charges $10/ hr for 1 child and $15/hr for 2 or more. Newborn to 10 are the ages she is comfortable with. She is very active and loves to be swimming and running! Also loves animals, has bunny, a bird and 2 cats, so animals are not a problem Please send me a message. Thank you! Comment Send

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Uh, What's Going on Here?

20h Anonymous Mama Question I am 20 years old and have been seeing the same gyno since I was 17 we kind of had an instant connection from the start and ended up hooking up at multiple appointments...(after I turned 18). I just found out that I am pregnant and still live with my parents and neither of them know that I'm even active.... I also don't know how to tell the dad because he was separated from his wife and supposed to divorce but she got cancer and he went back do I go about this? He's in his 40s and doesn't want anymore children and his wife is sick... how do I explain this to my parents? They'll want to know who the dad is and I really cannot tell anyone... Like Comment Share

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There's a Lot to Unpack Here

... x Anonymous member 6h A Hi moms I broke up with my bf and moved out last year. I never liked him but moved in together bc of the pregnancy. Now I'm turning 40 and would love to have another baby. My December baby is so sweet, kind and lovable, I want another. My ex wants me to move back in and we could try for another. Should I? I am not attractive to him mentally, emotionally or physically. But he is a really good father. He's a single dad of two sons from a previous marriage plus the one we share. I love his kids and loved the family we had together. I just don't really like him. He's rough around the edges, confrontational over everything and have different belief system. Did I say I wasn't attracted to him. I feel like this is my last chance for another baby. If not with him, then meeting/dating anther guy would take at least another 2 years. Plus 9 months that'll put me at 43. Too old. On the other hand, moving back in means putting my search for my real future partner in hold. Added: he's not a bad man. Just annoying. But don't ppl stay in marriages for the family??? I also love his kids as of they were my own. Also I don't want a down donor - a child should have both parents. I want my son to have a full blooded sibling. I was an only child and it's very lonely. 23 comments

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Oh God, Poor Kid

Random vent. I'm sorry to anyone who can relate I feel so incredibly sorry for my beautiful 3.5 year old daughter. She lost the genetic lottery and got the short end of the stick big time. It's so unfair. She's flanked in age by two girl cousins, one on each side of our family (my brother's daughter and my husband's sister's daughter) who got the very best our gene pools have to offer, and it's a constant reminder of the genes she was up for and didn't get. She could've gotten conventionally beautiful hair and eye color, which her cousins both got, but ended up with my listless and dull complexion. She could've gotten my dimple and small nose, but she somehow didn't get my dimple even though it's a dominant trait and her dad's nose. She could've gotten her dad's natural slim body type that her cousin on her dad's side got, but got my propensity toward thickness. Don't worry I'm not just shallow. Personality traits matter too. She got her dad's OCD and my introverted social awkwardness. She even got additional bad traits that we have no idea where they came from, like a massive underbite. She got my planters warts on her hands and her dad's tongue tie. She got my speech delay and impediment. I'm just so frustrated. I'm such an optimist that I thought my kids would get the best of my husband and I, but instead I feel terrible for my daughter. She is intelligent and funny and manages to still be cute AF though so she'll be alright 18 Like Comment 32 comments Send

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