
17 Statements That Are True... Kind Of

images from /r/technicallythetruth
images from /r/technicallythetruth

Published May 03, 2024

Published May 03, 2024

Few places on the internet tell the whole, unfettered truth. Too many people and communities online have their agendas, narratives they want to create, and sides they want us to take. With everyone being so opinionated on the internet, it's practically impossible to find a piece of information that hasn't been skewed to fit a certain bias or benefit someone's grand plan.

Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth aims to combat this epidemic by providing you with the truth, at least technically speaking. This community is dedicated to hilariously literal interpretations of everyday statements, phrases, and scenarios. It pokes fun at the nuance of the English language while also providing you with chuckles along the way. Whether it's a sign that takes its wording a bit too seriously or a response to a question that's accurate, but not quite right. This collection aims to highlight some of the best examples of people's attempts at providing the whole truth, failing miserably.

He didn't game inside

(Source: Reddit)

He's got a point!

(Source: Reddit)

That's 4 wishes!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Boycott papers!

(Source: Reddit)

Somehow it makes sense

(Source: Reddit)

People deserve a reason to celebrate

(Source: Reddit)

Good guess!

(Source: Reddit)

Truly iconic

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty valid grading

(Source: Reddit)

Think about it!

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone has to go through it

(Source: Reddit)

Movies have really been lacking scenes lately

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty accurate weather rock

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty rare event!!!

(Source: Reddit)

Inside you there are four wolves

(Source: Reddit)

Somebody tell the sharks

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: technically the truth, memes, reddit, ttt, technically true, collections,