17 Surreal Examples Of Based Boomer AI Generated Facebook Slop

Facebook has fallen to AI-generated slop, and now the Boomers are slurping up surreal, random content more potent than any Gen Z brainrot content. Boomers first got online through dial-up connections that took minutes to work, and now they're online in the era of AI, liking and commenting on fake photos of soldiers, Jesus, flight attendants and poor children. AI Facebook slop has emerged as a definite genre of content, dwelling on particular themes (religion, poverty, air travel, sculptures, marine life) and echoing itself infinitely.
As the images grow more twisted and surreal, it seems increasingly unbelievable that real-life humans are still liking and enjoying them. Some have argued that AI-generated Facebook slop is proof of the Dead Internet Theory. But there does seem to be real people interacting with these posts, and it could be someone you know. Here's a peek at what your parents may be looking at every day.