
17 Times Pets And People Looked Too Much Like Something Else

Two confusing perspectives
Two confusing perspectives

Published November 12, 2024

Published November 12, 2024

Every person who has a cat, a dog or any other pet knows that owning a pet comes with having hundreds if not thousands of pictures of your beloved animal friend on your phone. Sometimes funny faces and poses our pets make keep reminding us of something we've seen elsewhere…

That's what The Grandiloquent Caption memes, which have been a huge hit on Tumblr and X recently, are based on! These memes take funny photographs of animals (and sometimes people) and describe the funny similarities in convoluted yet precise ways. You might have seen memes such as The Nefarious Anglerfish before, but there's plenty more where that come from, so we've gathered best ones we found in this list.

Waiting For The Catch

(Source: X)

Do You Even Grammar

(Source: X)

Simple And Delicious

(Source: X)

Good Goes Around

(Source: X)

It's In My Lungs

(Source: Tumblr)

An Excellent Choice

(Source: Tumblr)

I'm Cloving It

(Source: Instagram)

Useful In Math, Too

(Source: Tumblr)

Full Of Oreos

(Source: X)

The Signal Gets Sent Through Its Nose

(Source: Tumblr)

It's 12:40

(Source: Tumblr)

So Useful

(Source: Tumblr)

Have You Tried One?

(Source: X)

The Ol' Classic

(Source: Reddit)

Wouldn't Be Here Without It

(Source: X)

The Half-Life Special

(Source: Tumblr)

Jurassic Moment

(Source: X)

Tags: the grandiloquent question, tumblr memes, animal memes, cat memes, dog memes, pet memes, the despicable mold spore, the nefarious anglerfish, the humble apostrophe, the flavorful garlic,