18 Festive Memes Delivered Just In Time For Christmas Eve
Christmas is almost here! Most of us have been waiting all year, and nearly everyone's favorite holiday has just about arrived. It's been a rough year, so it's about time, and we're thrilled to have something to look forward to tomorrow morning (or tonight, if you're in one of those weird families that does Christmas on Christmas Eve).
It's been a stressful month of shopping and prepping for family visits, but now we can finally relax and enjoy our time avoiding work and coming up with theories about what every present under the tree is. If you're spending Christmas on your own this year, buy a bunch of candy canes and chocolates the day after the holiday and watch some festive movies to keep your spirits up.
We here at Know Your Meme hope you're having a great Christmas, no matter what your plans are, and we also hope that some wholesome or simply on-theme posts can boost your mood in time for the holiday. Here are some of our favorite Christmas memes for Christmas Eve.