
18 Images That Show Just How Dumb Humans Can Be

posts from /r/facepalm
posts from /r/facepalm

Published June 04, 2024

Published June 04, 2024

Humanity has a knack for being incredibly idiotic at times, whether through our consistent screw-ups or just by exposing our idiocy online. Part of the reason why is very few of us are aware of what we're doing and how we're perceived. Social awareness is a blessing and a curse, it's also why we look back at our past selves and cringe in disapproval. Some people, however, exceed your average regular day stupidity by doing unimaginable things that make you question how they got so far ahead in life.

Reddit's /r/facepalm is a subreddit dedicated to compiling all of these uncomfortable moments, from tweets of peoples' worst takes to news headlines that might make you roll your eyes in awe. Each post is a reminder that no matter how stupid you think you are, there will always be someone out there who is most likely dumber, so maybe it's a wake-up call for all of us to be collectively smarter, especially on the internet.

Social norms never change

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The American dream!

(Source: Reddit)


When your wedding is about someone else

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Feel for the oldest trick in the book

(Source: Reddit)

"We don't know your address"

(Source: Reddit)

Funny how that works!

(Source: Reddit)

Big wolf doesn't want you to see this

(Source: Reddit)

The what now?

(Source: Reddit)

What history exactly?

(Source: Reddit)

Trump merch just dropped

(Source: Reddit)

Anything to avoid taxes

(Source: Reddit)

Worst mom in the world award goes to…

(Source: Reddit)

Conservative brainrot just dropped

(Source: Reddit)

Love these Twitter hot takes

(Source: Reddit)

That was a cold one

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, facepalm, cringe, reddit, collections,