Two history memes

18 Modern Memes About Ancient History

The past is never truly forgotten. Sure, we might not always have the most accurate records of history, but when something really wild happens, people won't let you forget, especially if it's something really bizarre. And just like the modern day, there were a lot of incredibly unusual and unpredictable things going on, perhaps even more so. The simpler times weren't so simple after all, and learning more about them may make you more thankful to have been born in this era instead.

With everything going on in everyone's lives nowadays, it's easy to forget about things from years past. Fortunately, we have history memes to remind us of all the weirdness of the past, from the dumbest causes of wars (occasionally against emus rather than humans) to the most unusual trivia facts about famous figures. In this collection, we've gathered a bunch of this week's top history memes from those who want to reflect on simpler times.

Goth Girlfriends

S P Q R 4002 S P Q R Goth Gf Goth Gf

It's Called Style

Girls: Ew she has the same outfit Boys:

The Corn Crusader

Wahls X Enacting a sensible plan for agricultural production Corn in Siberia

Sinking an Island

Heavily Fortified Island: *exists* The USS New Jersey: -2.19 C T 2 L 3 m 12 Are you challenging me? Ave 4022

Thanks for Nothing

The N*therlands Serbians G Bosnians in Sbrenica

Never Mind

Millennials getting a chance to relive the 1990s And its not in a first world country

Not a Fair Comparison

Millennial dads have pathetic DIY skills compared to baby boomers eHmcS15 baby boomers have pathetic blacksmithing skills compared to 9th century Saxons

The Only Survivor

Statue Temple of Zeus Hanging of at Olympia Gardens Artemis of Babylon VUL Mausoleum at Ephesus Co Colossus Lighthouse of Rhodes of Alexandria Natural disasters Halicarnassus All of you, get out! ☆ at atr Great Pyramid of Giza Natural disasters Except you, you stay.


A JAVNA 20th Century Physics Classical

Pretty Much

Eastern Europe after WWI Western Europe after WWI

Maybe Just Acknowledge That Slavery Is Bad?

made with mematic S Seeing a discussion about the Arab Slave Trade It's just to deflect blame for the trans- Atlantic slave trade

Great Leap Backward

Academics & Intellectuals: socialism under Chairman Mao* *celebrate Chairman Mao: G You'll be the first to die but I like your enthusiasm.

Uh Oh

Sweden: "Why didn't you tell us about the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl!?" Gorbachev, who'd been kept in the dark by his yes-men: The WHAT

Keep Trying, I Guess

The Aztecs when nothing happens after sacrificing their children:


Belgium in Europe Belgium in the Congo Belgium in world wars


300 pound ancient Greek rock carved with "Bybon son of Phola could lift this over his head" 04002417 13130011 YOU'RE WINNING SON

Definitely Not a Joke

DAY LITY Julius Caesar coming to crucify the pirates who kidnapped him The pirates who thought he was joking W

Funny How That Works

Ancient Greek History Fighting Persians Fighting greeks

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