man jumping from plane
shirtless men

18 Nerdy Memes For All The Students Going Through Finals

A lot of students online are going through a pretty rough final's week right now, with the end of the final semester for a lot of college students and school kids, there has been an uptick in memes and hot takes regarding the usual end of year gripes that students struggle with across the world. This collection of memes is dedicated to all those still pursuing academia. Whether you're a Master's student or still in high school, you can find a way to relate to a large majority of the memes on display here.

Taken from the Facebook group Science Memes, with a community of almost a million members, each meme here is a wormhole into every researcher, scientist, and academic student, providing you with silly puns and nuanced takes on the most common issues they all face. Prepare to feel a little smarter and entertained while exploring this collection of hand-picked academic memes.

Every student's hero

The hero we need Mámacita Meeks @_bonitamica My essay is 642 words and I need 700.Ⓡ King Nathan, XVI @RodriguezDaGod Change the text color to white and Wisjdlsjzoekoqndoewko away at your keyboard

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Gotta start em' young

Humans: *Born in a hospital* Bears: *Born in the safety and warmth of a den* Giraffes:

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Great advice!

Google Q smoking while pregnant LL F All Images Forums Videos News Shopping We Side effects First trimester Quitting Long-term ef Al Overview Learn more: Doctors recommend smoking 2-3 cigarettes per day during pregnancy.

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Male pattern baldness is tough

Girls In Their 30s Men In Their 30s t

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Time will tell!

finals week or my final week stay tuned

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I suppose they have a point!

Rich Guy - Money doesn't matter. Beautiful lady - Beauty doesn't matter. Physicists - Friction, air resistance, shape of mass, mass of rope, mass of pully doesn't matter

(Source: Facebook)

The worst feeling

You know you failed if your teacher handed your paper back like this

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Good to know information

A rare photo of a Banded Australian Huntsman. This is a female, males don't have the handbag.

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Two different things

People who lecture physics People who study physics

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Bit of a stretch

Maths teacher: suppose you have 5 friends Me:

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A living thesaurus

My brain when I read the word hippocampus

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It all makes sense

OMG I FINALLY GET IT! You get what? You know, when things heat, they expand I'm not fat, I'm hot And?

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Racism is everywhere…

Pharmacist /'fa:(r)mǝsist/ (n.) A drug dealer with a white coat Pharmacist: 00 Drug Dealer: u/Jo_MoO

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Chair Chwater Chfire Chearth

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Maestro just got upgraded


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Leave the planets alone!

Please Stop Blaming Vs For Your Strange Behaviour

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Scientists are life's gamblers

Doctor: "Sir, the surgery has a 50% survival rate, but don't worry, my last 20 patients have all survived" Normal people Mathematician Scientist

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True heroes

Me, desperately studying the night before an exam but still not understanding anything An Indian guy on YouTube

(Source: Facebook)

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