18 Odd Inventions That Were Bound To Exist Eventually
Stereotypes can be a terrible thing, especially on the internet. It's usually pretty rude to put a label on someone or a specific group of people and judge them according to it, but sometimes they can help you make sense of some things you see around the world. There are some things that you'd be surprised to see in one place, but not somewhere else, and vice versa.
This is exactly where Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing comes in, a subreddit dedicated to putting all the different stereotypes of the world to good use. Here, you won't be surprised by any of what the posts or images reveal, because they usually make perfect sense once you think about the context of the image for a little while. Whether it's an ammo dispensing vending machine in America or a snortable caffeine supplement, each is a great example of how some things just make perfect sense.