18 People Who Totally Didn't Mean It

Once in a while, we're all guilty of doing something cringeworthy or simply awful, but usually, we are able to own up to it, acknowledge we were dumb and move past it. Apparently, this isn't so easy for some. Many people out there have found ways to "accidentally" send a horrible text or run over eight people while driving without getting out of the way. It's more common than one might expect, because it turns out people are pretty desperate to shift the blame to literally anything else, even when claiming their cat ran across the keyboard and typed that.
The subreddit /r/OopsDidntMeanTo is a trending page on Reddit where people backpedal on their initial statements or actions, even though it's pretty obvious they meant it. With nearly a million members, the subreddit is used by social media users to share instances of "people pretending they didn't deliberately do it," as described in the "about" section of the sub. Here are just a few people who totally did this by accident.