
18 Strange Products We Might Be Better Off Without

images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing
images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing

Published May 15, 2024

Published May 15, 2024

Human ingenuity is a wonderful thing. It allows us to create interesting new gadgets and gizmos that can do all sorts of things, whether it's solving a problem you never thought you had or creating a whole new one. Since the discovery of fire, humans have always had a knack for creativity, constantly innovating and making breakthroughs with every century. Our capability of innovation has grown exponentially with the introduction of the internet, which has made working together seamlessly so much easier than ever before.

This is where Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing comes in, a subreddit dedicated to showing off the best ways people online have put their heads to make the most bizarre creations. Each photo featured in this collection shows off a gadget, breakthrough or concoction that is original in every regard, these are things you would've never imagined seeing in your life, and yet they exist. Prepare to stare in awe, and sometimes even laugh in disbelief at some of the craziest inventions that make you think, "Well, of course that's a thing."

TV Remote Simplifier

(Source: Reddit)

Labels are essential

(Source: Reddit)

$800 “pee-stained” jeans

(Source: Reddit)

Hoodie for your gear selector

(Source: Reddit)

Wireless jump rope

(Source: Reddit)

Clean even before it hits the plate

(Source: Reddit)

Caffeinated water

(Source: Reddit)

Plague Toys! Fun!

(Source: Reddit)

For learning languages on the go!

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe not everything needs a collab…

(Source: Reddit)

I'm really not lovin' it

(Source: Reddit)

Cultural representation

(Source: Reddit)

A new type of chocolate milk!

(Source: Reddit)

Fruit Loops cereal milk

(Source: Reddit)

Doesn't sound tempting

(Source: Reddit)

Smell like Spidey!

(Source: Reddit)

Electric pet treat maker

(Source: Reddit)

Punch that thirst in the mouth!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: of course thats a thing, reddit, weird products, weird, collections,