
19 Real-World Characters That Belong In A Video Game Boss Fight

Two boss fight competitors in the following collections
Two boss fight competitors in the following collections

Published January 12, 2024

Published January 12, 2024

Once in a while, we stumble across some characters who don't seem to belong in our world. They can't fit in with our society or our perception of reality. Whether it's a pet that's somehow been modified into some sort of cyborg or a person who's managed to cover themselves entirely in Pop-Tarts, they don't seem to be part of the real world. Maybe they belong in a video game instead. To be more specific, they belong in some sort of video game boss fight.

The following images showcase many different things that fit better in this setting. And even then, it would be pretty hard to beat these things in a fight, and it's also pretty funny to imagine what they'd be like in battle, with some presumably ridiculous skills to face. Try to imagine how you'd win in a battle against these wildly overpowered video game bosses found in the real world, somehow.

Collector of the Cheetos

(Source: Reddit)

The Water Bender

(Source: Reddit)

Count Meowcula

(Source: Reddit)

Fumigators of the Church

(Source: Reddit)

The Pixelated One

(Source: Reddit)

The Feline Fighter

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Zeb the Thrower

(Source: Reddit)

Jammer the Bear Trap

(Source: Reddit)

Mini King Kong

(Source: Reddit)

Child of the Darkness

(Source: Reddit)

Enforcer of the Toaster

(Source: Reddit)

The Consumer of Cars

(Source: Reddit)

The Crustacean Avenger

(Source: Reddit)

Baby the Destroyer, Foretold by Alexa

(Source: Reddit)

One-Eyed Pete, Toughest of Boys

(Source: Reddit)

The Last Stand

(Source: Reddit)

Can Eater, Glutton of Wealth

(Source: Reddit)

The Fused King

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: bossfight, boss fight, /r/bossfight, reddit, bosses, video games, gaming, collections,