
19 Things That The World Would Be Better Off Without

gas mask
man in supermarket
gas mask
man in supermarket

Published April 10, 2024

Published April 10, 2024

Our collective creativity knows no bounds, and with the internet, we've been able to create mind-blowing works of art. Whether they're nice to look at, or incredibly practical, humans have been able to create various machines, concoctions, and all sorts of other amazing inventions that make you wonder how far we can go when we really use the little thinking machine in our heads.

Reddit's /r/tihi, which is short for "thanks, I hate it," is a unique gathering place for all things that shouldn't have been thought up or created. It features a variety of quite cursed images of instances where human ingenuity should've probably been used for something a little less terrifying. This collection features a wide range of images that will elicit a blend of fascination and discomfort. From failed Hedgehog cakes to female urinals, there are plenty of examples of things that probably shouldn't exist in the first place.

Special effects were a mistake

(Source: Reddit)

Nutty Putty Cave…

(Source: Reddit)

Female urinals shouldn't be a thing

(Source: Reddit)

Nightmare ADHD

(Source: Reddit)

I'll never have a burger again

(Source: Reddit)

The most cursed show

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe some things aren't worth trying

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely Australia

(Source: Reddit)

Commode laps are terrifying

(Source: Reddit)

Overcooked eggs… or spiderwebs?

(Source: Reddit)

See-through toilet

(Source: Reddit)

That does not look like a scarf…

(Source: Reddit)

5 Second Rule gone wrong

(Source: Reddit)

This had to be on purpose

(Source: Reddit)

Just… why?

(Source: Reddit)

Power Ranger anatomy

(Source: Reddit)

Dettol cheese to go with tide pod pasta

(Source: Reddit)

Anatomically accurate Thomas

(Source: Reddit)

New donut flavor?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: thanks i hate it, tihi, reddit, /r/tihi, weird, blursed, blursed images, collections,