
20 Anti-Memes That Aren't Funny (In The Best Possible Way)

Two images from /r/antimeme
Two images from /r/antimeme

Published June 28, 2024

Published June 28, 2024

The whole point of a meme is that it has a punchline that makes people laugh, without this, is it even a meme? Well, actually, it can be, but it's an anti-meme. Anti-memes are memes that all of the humor has been stripped from them. They are memes gone serious, they are the literal events happening in the meme and they are not really meant to be funny. I

n some strange way, though, they end up being pretty silly and entertaining. Probably because no one is expecting a meme to turn out that way. It's kind of a pleasant surprise. Reddit's /r/antimeme is a subreddit that collects all kinds of anti-memes for all to see. This is a place where anyone can go when they are sick and tired of all the jokes and just need some seriousness for a while. So here are 20 anti-memes that are not supposed to be funny, but actually kind of are.

Getting the facts straight

(Source: Reddit)

It's sharp

(Source: Reddit)

The same

(Source: Reddit)

People when IQ

(Source: Reddit)

A deep message

(Source: Reddit)

Warm hands

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

Let's goooo

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Solid evidence

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Well? Is it?

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, okay

(Source: Reddit)

You see

(Source: Reddit)

That's it

(Source: Reddit)

Done for

(Source: Reddit)

Is this true?

(Source: Reddit)

Pie chart

(Source: Reddit)

If you were curious

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/antimeme, anti memes, memes, not funny, nintendo, gameboy, anti jokes, iq, soccer, anti-jokes, antimemes, antimeme, antijokes, jokes, not funny memes, real memes, meme templates, hmmm, true, facts, too real, reddit, comedy heaven, collections,