
20 Attempts At Deep Observations That Weren't Actually So Deep

Two cartoons doing their best to be deep.
Two cartoons doing their best to be deep.

Published April 22, 2024

Published April 22, 2024

It's interesting to think about how today's teens are on social media and phones a lot, while previous generations weren't. This might sound like a pretty deep thought, but maybe as you actually consider it for a few seconds, you'll realize that this is perhaps one of the more shallow and uninteresting observations spread online today.

If you're trying to be deep, you should put in some more work and really think about why. Many people are saying things like this and getting away with it because a small portion of our population is awkward enough to take them seriously and repost them all over their social media in solemn support.

But, yeah, these things really aren't that deep, so don't think too hard about simple subjects, and maybe you won't wind up saying only incoherent nonsense instead of speaking in actual conversations. The subreddit /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep has been a place to call out these shallow observations pretending to be deep, and we have some of the most embarrassing attempts ready to go.

Secretive Society

(Source: Reddit)

Or Maybe We Had The Same Parents

(Source: Reddit)

Buy A System/Society Case Next Time

(Source: Reddit)

Teenagers Are The Only Ones Who Feel This Way

(Source: Reddit)

I Wish I Could Feel Like Three People Dancing

(Source: Reddit)

Iron Man 4: Iron Man Causes A Forest Fire

(Source: Reddit)

Acoustic And Electric Guitars Are Completely Different Instruments

(Source: Reddit)

So Deep It's 6 Feet Under

(Source: Reddit)

So Simple If You Ignore The Rules

(Source: Reddit)

Well, What Am I Supposed To Do Now?

(Source: Reddit)

What Does This Mean?

(Source: Reddit)

These Kids Today With Their Phones

(Source: Reddit)

They Aren't Kissing Enough Now

(Source: Reddit)

Galaxy Brain: No Brain

(Source: Reddit)

Appreciate Walls Of Text

(Source: Reddit)

She's Fine, Cows Give Plenty Of Milk

(Source: Reddit)

Fetuses Are Stored In The Brain

(Source: Reddit)

Music Is The Cure, Especially The Robert Smith Band

(Source: Reddit)

Some Weirdly Shaped Buildings You've Got There

(Source: Reddit)

It Took 25 Years But Now I'm Thicc

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: deep, we live in a society, makes you think, sad, meaningful, motivation, inspiration, so deep, collections, memes, cartoons, webcomics, comics,