
20 Funny Signs With A Little Too Much To Say

Two funny signs in the following collection
Two funny signs in the following collection

Published June 10, 2024

Published June 10, 2024

For as long as signs have been around, funny signs have been around, too. It's likely that signs first appeared in the ancient civilizations that were first figuring out how to post information in their public forums, and even then, we may assume a few people messed around a bit with the wordplay and imagery to create something particularly memorable. And people absolutely love to stumble across these oddly phrased signs, whether they were intentional or completely accidental.

Now, our public forums for sign appreciation have primarily become various social media websites, but fortunately, having the world interconnected through the web means the things others find and share here certainly won't disappoint. We might not see these signs at our own employer's office or the local department store, but fortunately, we can all enjoy the strangeness of weird signs online. Here are some signs that really aren't saying what we'd expect, but they're certainly saying something.

Nice try

(Source: Reddit)

And they say chivalry is dead

(Source: Reddit)

This is fair

(Source: Reddit)

Seems misleading

(Source: Reddit)

Good question

(Source: Reddit)

That must have taken some dedication

(Source: Reddit)

Carpet my what?

(Source: Reddit)

Doing some restructuring

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I suspect it might, yes

(Source: Reddit)

Me entering the freeway during LA traffic:

(Source: Reddit)

John gets no credit

(Source: Reddit)

"Dollar" Tree

(Source: Reddit)

Helpful reminder

(Source: Reddit)

Now in 3D

(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Well, it's fine, I guess

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He's right, you know

(Source: Reddit)

Charming Appalachian trail

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, signs, passive aggressive,