20 Glimpses Into The Lives Of Very Dumb Children

Children are entertaining, to say the least. They're just tiny humans who haven't really figured out what life is yet, so as they grow up, they find themselves doing some of the dumbest things imaginable, egged on by their not-quite-formed brains. The things they do are generally all learning experiences, but once in a while they do things so stupid that we're not sure they're capable of learning anything about it.
Here, we've gathered some of the dumbest things children have been caught doing lately, or things that former children have dredged up from their past. All are kind of adorable, but also impressive in the level of complete stupidity that was necessary to be caught up in such bizarre acts. Depending on your level of patience, the following images may also serve as a reminder to be diligent about your birth control. Here are 20 kids who will be cringing about these things when they're older.