
20 Images For Candy Corn Lovers And Haters

candy corn memes
candy corn memes

Published October 30, 2024

Published October 30, 2024

Every Halloween for 250 years (or however long candy corn has been around) humanity has debated the merits of the flavored sugar candy. It only appears during the season, yet some people viscerally loathe it. Lewis Black famously joked that all candy corn in history was produced in 1911 and we're just making small dents in the world's massive stock of candy corn every year.

Others, however, have come to candy corn's defense, arguing that the backlash is overblown, like that to Hawaiian Pizza or Deep Dish Pizza, aka tomato soup in a bread bowl. We can't say for sure who is right, but the debate has led to dozens upon dozens of memes from both sides of the candy corn debate, as the human race is doomed to never decide whether candy corn is good or bad. Here, we've compiled some of our favorites for your perusal, no matter what side of the debate you're on.

Of course, it's highly probable that candy corn, sort of like Twinkies, will outlast humanity when the apocalypse happens, giving it the last laugh in this endless battle.

The Internet's Great Divider

(Source: Reddit)

The Unnecessary Hate

(Source: Reddit)

I'll Keep Eating That Garbage

(Source: Reddit)

Brothers In Arms

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Terry

(Source: Know Your Meme)

Not A Forbidden Snack

(Source: 26news)

He's Gone, Man

(Source: Instagram)

This One's Just An Interesting Factoid

(Source: memeguy)

Mother of God

(Source: Facebook)

A Trace Of The True Self

(Source: Facebook)

The Best Vegetable

(Source: Instagram)

Look Upon This Abomination And Despair

(Source: Reddit)

More Food Crimes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Brachs Needs To Chill Out



(Source: Reddit)

A Bold Claim

(Source: Reddit)

Lot of Food Monstrosities TBH

Memes From Ancient Times

Perhaps Too Harsh

(Source: Twitter)

A Technical Truth

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: candy corn, halloween, candy corn good, candy corn bad, candy corn memes, collections,