20 Images That Aged Pretty Horribly
Many things on the internet don't stand the test of time, whether it's an old tweet before some allegations start surfacing or an old news article that was published moments before a controversial change, there are plenty of examples of things not aging as well as you wanted them to, especially online. It's always important to take into account the fact that our digital footprint is real and very evident.
Almost anything and everything you say on the internet can be used against you later on, especially if you said something that turned out pretty silly. Reddit's /r/agedlikemilk is a wonderful example of how our digital footprints can be our downfall, whether it's a sign that was made in poor taste or just a tweet by a celebrity that aged horribly, each is a hilarious reminder that you should always be careful what you post on the internet, especially if it can be used against you later on.