
20 Images That Spoiled In The Back Of The Internet's Fridge

jesus christ
sony pictures tweet
jesus christ
sony pictures tweet

Published April 09, 2024

Published April 09, 2024

Reddit's /r/agedlikemilk is an interesting section of the internet, serving as a digital archive that captures moments, statements, and inventions that failed to stand the test of time, and sometimes even developed new, somewhat ironic meanings. We've all eaten our own words in our lives before, whether it's not being able to fulfill a promise you made a very long time ago, or going against a specific principle that you set for yourself, it's in our human nature to defy the rules that we set for ourselves. That is the beauty of the human experience.

This collection showcases many examples of people doing just that, with posts that aged quite poorly, relative to the rapid pace of change in society. Each post is a testament to the fleeting nature of cultural relevance and how almost anything and everything can change depending on the time that it was released in.

11 years and still not valid!

(Source: Reddit)

How fitting…

(Source: Reddit)

Shapiro didn't play his cards right

(Source: Reddit)

Well that mask came off real quick

(Source: Reddit)

12th of Dec 2022 is when Elon definitively fixed the bot problem!

(Source: Reddit)

Some lyrics just don't stand the test of time

(Source: Reddit)

Not very intuitive?

(Source: Reddit)

Enter 2015's 'The Martian'

(Source: Reddit)

Silly Ben

(Source: Reddit)

Oh No…

(Source: Reddit)

Not very accurate…

(Source: Reddit)

Good ol' Boeing days

(Source: Reddit)

Something Epstein would definitely do

(Source: Reddit)

Very interesting!

(Source: Reddit)

That's too bad

(Source: Reddit)

Guess Not!

(Source: Reddit)

Still no Spider-Man!

(Source: Reddit)

Don't push your luck

(Source: Reddit)

Followed by Diddly himself

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Travis…

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, reddit, aged like milk, /r/agedlikemilk, the diddler, diddy, p diddy, collections,