
20 'Minecraft' Memes For The Game's Latest Update

minecraft furnace
minecraft crafting
minecraft steve
shy wojak
minecraft furnace
minecraft crafting
minecraft steve
shy wojak

Published 9 months ago

Published 9 months ago

Minecraft's most recent snapshot, Snapshot24w13a, brought forth a variety of new updates to the game. Some of them include the new vault, a new chest-like item that can be found in the new trial dungeons, and more notably, a new weapon, the mace. This recent update has excited quite a lot of people in the community and has brought forth a slew of memes about the update and its consequences.

Reddit's /r/minecraftmemes has been especially active recently, with lots of memes mocking how incredibly overpowering the new Mace is in the game, and calling for the developers to nerf it. Others embrace the chaos and encourage even more buffs to the most recent addition to the game's arsenal. Regardless, this subreddit is a breeding ground for all the best Minecraft-related memes, from cheeky jabs at how lazy the developers are imagined to be to hilarious memes mocking the community as a whole.

Steve if he was smart:

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How does this work?

(Source: Reddit)

Life can't go on without these

(Source: Reddit)

Valid point

(Source: Reddit)

Don't tell Mojang!

(Source: Reddit)

Life's biggest mystery

(Source: Reddit)

Average SMP

(Source: Reddit)

"How do we tell him?"

(Source: Reddit)

Looking good so far

(Source: Reddit)

Is this normal?

(Source: Reddit)

This week in historic Minecraft moments:

(Source: Reddit)

Are we the monsters all along?

(Source: Reddit)

That's definitely an argument

(Source: Reddit)

Very unexpected

(Source: Reddit)

What's the big deal?

(Source: Reddit)

They call me the flash

(Source: Reddit)

Live action was a mistake

(Source: Reddit)

Major skill issue!

(Source: Reddit)

Back to work!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: minecraft memes, minecraft, reddit, steve, minecraft update, gaming, gaming memes, collections,