
20 Of-Putting Comments Shared By Some Scary People

Two images from /r/cursedcomments
Two images from /r/cursedcomments

Published June 08, 2024

Published June 08, 2024

People are free to make any sort of comment they would like to on the internet, for the most part. There is a comment section for nearly every social media site now, so whatever you post, someone may just come along and leave a comment. While there are many people out there who use the web and its comment sections for good, some people have different motives. Some people decide to reach into the darkest corners of their minds to come up with heinous comments that no one really enjoys reading. They are usually filled with dark humor and twisted jokes, and while they are sometimes in bad taste, they are usually still really funny.

Reddit's /r/cursedcomments is the subreddit for people to share all of the most cursed comments out there, of course. Some of them are truly disturbing, and whoever posted them should probably be evaluated by a professional. Regardless, here are 20 cursed comments for anyone who likes a bit of messed-up humor.

Is Annie okay?

(Source: Reddit)

Someone tell her

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed carrot

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed comparison

(Source: Reddit)

Oh no

(Source: Reddit)

Just why?

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed chess

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A cursed win

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Any major city these days

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

(Source: Reddit)

Not liking those odds

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed ID

(Source: Reddit)

Cursed toy

(Source: Reddit)

Bad news

(Source: Reddit)

Got it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/cursedcomments, cursed comment, cursed, michael jackson, twitter, reddit, youtube, titanic, tiktok, chess, mewing, facebook, fb, kids, ariana grande, friends, housing, rent, france, memes, garfield, /r/hmmm, dark humour, meme, distressing, collections,