
20 People Acting Off-Putting And Inconsiderate For No Apparent Reason

Two images from r/trashy
Two images from r/trashy

Published February 15, 2024

Published February 15, 2024

For the most part, people just tend to try and get through every day without causing too much of a bother. Being respectful to others, others property, other public spaces, is just something that everyone should be doing. Unfortunately there are some people in the world who just do not adhere to these basic standards. Though the amount of people who are generally good is probably higher than those who aren't, it's the bad ones that get noticed more.

Trashy people are everywhere. While anyone can do trashy things, there are some definite signs that a trashy person is around. Whether it is a very distasteful and telling tattoo, or maybe someone outing themselves doing something deplorable, or maybe someone caught in public showing something off they shouldn't be. Trashy people have to be dealt with often, and Reddit's /r/Trashy is full of them. Here are 25 people making the world a worse place.

Classy Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)

Louis Vuitton Face Tats

(Source: Reddit)

A Great Life Choice

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's Great, Walmart

(Source: Reddit)

Airport Attire

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

One Space for Each Wheel

(Source: Reddit)

Crazy Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh Man

(Source: Reddit)

How Unfortunate

(Source: Reddit)

How Romantic

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Birthday

(Source: Reddit)

Abandoned Chicken

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Delta

(Source: Reddit)

Ad Campaign – Bag with a Rock and Two Cards Thrown Into Driveways

(Source: Reddit)

Is This Necessary

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Jake

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: trashy, r/trashy, trash, tattoo fails, bad tattoos, white trash, gross, tattoo fail, louis vuitton, bad tattoo, reddit, tattoos, walmart, kids, facebook, fb, dui, monster, energy drinks, food, birthdays, cake, collections,