
20 People Making Unforgettable Mistakes At Work

two people who had one job
two people who had one job

Published February 20, 2024

Published February 20, 2024

Sometimes, we all have a difficult day at work. It's easy to lose track of what we're doing and make mistakes, but hopefully, those mistakes aren't that big of a deal. Those in high-stress jobs may suffer from this daily, but it turns out even those in very low-stress jobs end up making huge mistakes, and these happen to be some of the funniest mistakes out there.

Here are some of our favorite images from the many times people messed up at work, and the best part is, they're simple things that pretty much anyone should have been able to do. It's likely the people behind these accidents just didn't care enough, and it's interesting to wonder what sort of feedback their bosses would have in mind for them. They might not be fire-worthy, but they're pretty extraordinary. So, if you could use a workweek pick-me-up, these 20 images might make you feel better about your own work.

Even AI Can't Do Things Right

(Source: Reddit)

Recently Purchased Keyboard

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thank You, Grammarly

(Source: Reddit)

Free Coffee

(Source: Reddit)

Mystery Fabric

(Source: Reddit)

When You Can't Remember the Word "Banana"

(Source: Reddit)

Spot the Awkward Mistake

(Source: Reddit)

You Have What Now?

(Source: Reddit)

Lid Centered Perfectly

(Source: Reddit)

I Prefer Them Boneless, Too

(Source: Reddit)

Shouldn't Be That Complicated

(Source: Reddit)

Whoever Made This Must Be Colorblind

(Source: Reddit)

The Only Locker Like This in the Whole School

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sounds Delicious

(Source: Reddit)

My Favorite Animated Movie

(Source: Reddit)

New Town Sign

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Try

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Avenger

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: you had one job, one job, /r/onejob, fail, reddit, avengers, collections,