
20 'Pro Tips' That Will Make Your Life A Whole Lot Worse

Two terrible life pro tips
Two terrible life pro tips

Published May 22, 2024

Published May 22, 2024

There's a lot of advice available on the internet, and unsurprisingly, not all of it is good. When online, people can say or do pretty much whatever they want. It doesn't help that many people think they're experts on getting away with things, too. These people have come up with a lot of bad advice and a lot of ways to share it, ensuring that the online community is exposed to their overly creative and ethically questionable nonsense.

The following images contain some tips that these people have so graciously shared with the online community. Some are harmless, but dumb. Others will probably get you arrested, or ruin your social life for good. It's definitely in your best interest to ignore these terrible "life pro tips," but they're admittedly pretty funny, so here are a few to enjoy from afar (but never listen to).

Just drive

(Source: Reddit)

How to get matches

(Source: Reddit)

This will keep your cords organized, but also kill you

(Source: Reddit)

Even back in 1963, how did this get published?

(Source: Reddit)

They'll help absorb it

(Source: Reddit)

Show your appreciation

(Source: Reddit)

I agree

(Source: Reddit)

Very menacing

(Source: Reddit)

I know I haven't

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

For when you're sick of cleaning itf

(Source: Reddit)

What Karens think is going to happen

(Source: Reddit)

Logically sound

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Advanced online dating

(Source: Reddit)

I knew it

(Source: Reddit)

Use the five L's to remember the names of the Great Lakes

(Source: Reddit)

Saving money on gas

(Source: Reddit)

Infinite money glitch in racist states

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: slpt, ulpt, life pro tip, unethical life pro tips, pro tip, pro tips, collections,