Two weird quora users

20 Quora Questions That Are Unforgettably Weird

Sometimes, it's hard to ask questions. There are times when putting yourself out there and hoping for a reasonable response can be scary, but over the years, the internet has made this much easier. For the most part, this is a good thing, and really adds some convenience to our daily lives. On the other hand, there are some people who ask questions online that really shouldn't have been asked in the first place, and they love hiding behind the internet's sense of anonymity. Apparently, some people find a little too much freedom in that.

In the modern era, there are lots of ways to have your questions answered online. For instance, you can post them on Quora. Even in 2024, Quora is still very active, and lots of people are asking some very interesting questions on there. Usually, they're not interesting in a good way. It seems like Quora questions have become more unhinged over the years, to the point where we're starting to worry about the people asking these questions, even though some of them are just trolling. Here are a few that earned some of our concern.

Can't punish him now

⚫ Follow Х present) - 2y My teenage son became legally emancipated by a judge without my permission. I am very angry at him. What should I do? My teenage son became legally emancipated by a judge without my permission. I am very angry at him. What should I do? Without your permission. That is kind of the entire concept of declaring a minor "legally emancipated". It means he is legally granted the same rights as an adult, and doesn't need your permission anymore. What you should do? Re-think your own actions and choices that led to the judge deciding you are not doing your job as a parent right. Upvote - 5.8K ○ 78 8

(Source: Reddit)

It's a great idea

Question added Interpersonal Interaction My friend lied to his parents about having a girlfriend and now they want to meet her. Now he wants me to dress up as a girl and pretend to be his girlfriend. Is this a good idea? 6 Answers Last followed Sat Answer Pass Follow 2 000

(Source: Reddit)

Asking the important questions

Is Disneyland for homosexuals? 4 answers. Last followed Jun 27 Answer Follow. 1 × Pass ☑

(Source: Reddit)


I saw the cop the gay eating a raw bird in my backyard. What should I do? Answer Follow . 1 → Request

(Source: Reddit)

Everything is woke

Are candles, alarm clocks, and libraries woke? I want to know because I don't want to become one of those far-left woke SJWs Follow 1 → Request Answer

(Source: Reddit)

Atheist prayer room dilemma

Question Atheists, imagine you are about to go to your prayer room and start reading On the Origin of Species per your weekly ritual, when you suddenly realize it's gone and you only see a Bible. Would you read the Bible or leave the room? i OOO Answer Follow Request Details More

(Source: Reddit)

Is this guy threatening them?

Quora 133 蛋 Q Search Quora Try Q... What if I told you 12 jurors for Trump's New York case just signed their death warrants for not only them but their families as well? Answer Follow . 1 → Request ℗ D 6 ⇓

(Source: Reddit)

At least make the fake questions realistic

← Answer My son died two days ago but my husband won't get over it. What should I do? Should I divorce?

(Source: Reddit)

Man vs. seagull

What would happen to a seagull if I wrapped a large rock inside a piece of bread and it ate it? Answer Follow - 2 → Request All related (34) ▼ 101⇓ Sort Recommended

(Source: Reddit)

There's a reason people don't eat raccoons

Is it safe to eat a raccoon that I trapped? I want its fur pelt but I feel bad about wasting the meat (but I'm also worried about diseases). Answer Follow 2 → Request

(Source: Reddit)

Wait until they're six, maybe

Quora Open in App Sign In Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. Read More Is it okay if I train my child to be an assassin at the age of five?

(Source: Reddit)

Uterus envy

Why is it a good idea to tell my best friend that they don't deserve to be born with a uterus? I'm born without a uterus, therefore, they don't deserve to have a uterus. Answer Follow 1 → Request

(Source: Reddit)

Humanity clearly hasn't evolved enough

Why don't orangutans believe in evolution? [1] i 000 Follow Request Details More You've written an answer You can edit or delete it at anytime. All related (46) ` Recommended ✓

(Source: Reddit)

Looking for parenting advice

My 16-year-old daughter keeps watching Grey's Anatomy and other TV-14 shows in her room and phone. What punishment do I do her? Answer Follow .1 Request

(Source: Reddit)

Very normal dilemma

requested your answer to this question I don't let my son know that black people exist because I'm afraid he'll become an atheist if he knows. Every day I am tempted to abandon God because of this knowledge. What should I do? Answer Follow 3 Pass

(Source: Reddit)

Pokémon category

TOP STORIES FOR POKEMON Ob-Gyns, does it smell bad when delivering babies? HUH? Quora

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting theory

Why do liberals deny the obvious fact that white people were the first people to inhabit America? Answer Follow. 16 → Request 1 12 ...

(Source: Reddit)

How often are you encountering bears?

How do I stop being afraid of bears after the case with Timothy Treadwell? If I ever show my fear, they will tear me to pieces alive. Sadly that they don't have an ethical code like lions for example. Answer Follow 2 + Request

(Source: Reddit)

Plot twist

Me and my friends were bored so we decided that we would pee on some pregnancy tests together for fun but then they all came out positive? How is that possible if we're all guys? How could we be pregnant?

(Source: Reddit)


What's your body count and how did you hide them? Answer Follow - 1 → Request

(Source: Reddit)

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