memes from /r/sciencememes

20 Science Memes For Your Inner Geek

Welcome to the nerdy world of Reddit's /r/sciencememes, a treasure trove for puns, jokes, and memes that make the inner child inside of you sprawl out with joy. We all have that childlike wonder about the universe, for some of us, it never goes away, and we go on to become talented doctors, astronauts, astronomers, and so on. We've all had that period in our childhood where we wanted to become involved in some scientific field, and that's what a lot of parents usually prefer for their kids, but as time goes on and we start to form our identities we realize that maybe being an astronaut isn't the right path.

That being said, our curiosity never goes away, and this subreddit is dedicated to bringing it back through the power of memes. Here, humor is derived from all sorts of odd sources: a misinterpreted graph, a lab result, or just a silly pun about one of Newton's Laws of Gravity. As you dive into this collection, prepare for a collision of culture and science, where every meme is a lesson wrapped in laughter.

Geologists rock!

Alex Rogaski @AlexRogaski Biologist screws up: Mutant killer virus Physicist screws up: Deadly black hole Geologist screws up: Rock on table is now rock on floor 1/20/16, 8:35 PM Photos Source: rockhardgeolo...

(Source: Reddit)

The most horrifying feeling

Doing Algebra Ber Things start cancelling out Bernie More things cancel out Berni com X = X Ber OF 776-> OF

(Source: Reddit)


مـ 15 grams 1 gram 5 KB JPG Why don't they make bulletproof vests out of diamond if it is the hardest metal? Anonymous 03/21/16(Mon)11:11:28 No.273037 Cause it's too heavy. 1 gram of diamond weigh something like 15 grams. >>27303789 # >>27303795 # >>27303892 # >>27303924 #

(Source: Reddit)

So sad

> Dr. Dave Stukus @AllergyKids Doc Really Bad Joke of the Week: Two chemists walk into a bar. Chemist 1: I'll have H2O please Chemist 2: I'll have water also Chemist 1 walks away frustrated as his assassination attempt failed

(Source: Reddit)

A venn diagram

As H5N1 spreads in cows, experts warn against drinking raw milk Reputable Source PEOPLE WHO DRINK RAW MILK PEOPLE WHO LISTEN TO EXPERTS

(Source: Reddit)

Time travel as it should be

Mother Of Sarcasm @SarcasmMother Imagine you discovered the ability to time travel. You go 30 years into the future expecting to meet your future self only to discover that you've been missing for 30 years. 9:38 PM Jan 8, 2020-

(Source: Reddit)

What do you think?

@physics_formula Rich Guy - Money doesn't matter. Beautiful lady - Beauty doesn't matter. Physicists - Friction, air resistance, shape of mass, mass of rope, mass of pully doesn't matter

(Source: Reddit)

Psychology is different

Other fields of science Here is what we found out so far (can't be sure if it's 100% correct though) Psychology Here are 20 theories that might all be true, pick one. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

People can be dumb sometimes

Erwin Shrödinger looking down on Earth as millions of people misunderstood his point:

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta keep your hopes up!

I love old science fiction. They have stories that begin "IT'S THE DISTANT YEAR 2003 AND HUMANS ARE EXPLORING THE DEEP CORNERS OF THE UNIVERSE." God bless you old sci-fi. You had such high hopes for us.

(Source: Reddit)

Trigonometry at work!

The geometry is too complicated to explain here but cutting a sandwich diagonally gives you more sandwich

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty valid point!

A If science is influenced by politics or business it's not science, it's politics and business. made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Including real numbers

You have to count from 1 to 10 Including real numbers

(Source: Reddit)

The classic doctor font

Doctors will be like "Go and buy this" и @pubity anthony @xforcades2 and the pharmacist will give it to you

(Source: Reddit)

Who are these people?

Name a more iconic trio... I'll wait ++ ++ Electron + Proton Neutron

(Source: Reddit)

Water is white

WATER HAS NO COLOR!!! WATER IS BLUE 0.1% IQ score 55 2% 34% 34% WATER IS BLUE 14% 14% 2% 0.1% 70 70 85 100 115 130 145

(Source: Reddit)

Modern day dilemma


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Stanislav Zak Purrtacular 8 hrs Last month my cat disappeared. A week ago I found him and brought him home. Today my cat came back. Now I have two identical cats. DO 6.2K 685 Comments

(Source: Reddit)


statistics Machine Learning 19 Artificial intelligence

(Source: Reddit)

They'll never be equal

HE'S IRRATIONAL AND HE GOES ON AND ON. HUGH TRIP Counselor 3 9 WIFE OF Pi 2/8 00 2013 Scott Hilburn/Distributed by Universal Uclick

(Source: Reddit)

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