
20 Science Memes For Your Inner Geek

memes from /r/sciencememes
memes from /r/sciencememes

Published May 16, 2024

Published May 16, 2024

Welcome to the nerdy world of Reddit's /r/sciencememes, a treasure trove for puns, jokes, and memes that make the inner child inside of you sprawl out with joy. We all have that childlike wonder about the universe, for some of us, it never goes away, and we go on to become talented doctors, astronauts, astronomers, and so on. We've all had that period in our childhood where we wanted to become involved in some scientific field, and that's what a lot of parents usually prefer for their kids, but as time goes on and we start to form our identities we realize that maybe being an astronaut isn't the right path.

That being said, our curiosity never goes away, and this subreddit is dedicated to bringing it back through the power of memes. Here, humor is derived from all sorts of odd sources: a misinterpreted graph, a lab result, or just a silly pun about one of Newton's Laws of Gravity. As you dive into this collection, prepare for a collision of culture and science, where every meme is a lesson wrapped in laughter.

Geologists rock!

(Source: Reddit)

The most horrifying feeling

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So sad

(Source: Reddit)

A venn diagram

(Source: Reddit)

Time travel as it should be

(Source: Reddit)

What do you think?

(Source: Reddit)

Psychology is different

(Source: Reddit)

People can be dumb sometimes

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta keep your hopes up!

(Source: Reddit)

Trigonometry at work!

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty valid point!

(Source: Reddit)

Including real numbers

(Source: Reddit)

The classic doctor font

(Source: Reddit)

Who are these people?

(Source: Reddit)

Water is white

(Source: Reddit)

Modern day dilemma

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They'll never be equal

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: memes, science memes, math, algebra, atom, proton, neutron, electron, bohr model of the atom, collections,