20 Things That Are Technically True, But Not Really Right

Welcome to the literal and often hilarious world of /r/technicallythetruth, a depository of sorts featuring objective truths that you can think of. This online community showcases a collection of memes, images, texts and discussions that are all "technically" correct, although not entirely so. Whether it's clever wordplay or a more literal take on some figurative speech, this subreddit thrives on the tiny details that get lost in translation.
Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth is a treasure trove of all things true, from people misunderstanding signs to others providing answers that miss the point of the question entirely. Each post is an example of how silly we can be sometimes and serves as a reminder that you can find humor in practically anything, even if you're not trying to be funny. This collection features 20 of the funniest examples of the truth being misused by various people, from 1st graders answering questions sort of correctly to others just trying to be funny on Twitter or Facebook.