20 Trashy Images That Prove How Self-Centered People Really Are

Being trashy comes in all different forms, it could be through the clothes that you wear, or just through how you present yourself online or in public. Either way, it's something that you wouldn't want to be called or perceived as, especially by people on the internet. Reddit's /r/trashy is a subreddit where people's questionable decisions are displayed for millions to see. For those who are unfortunate enough to be featured, they're made a laughing stock to almost 2.9 million people.
From people being incredibly unhygienic to people flaunting their incredibly inappropriate personalities, each is an example of the many forms of being trashy. This subreddit serves as a reminder for anyone who browses it to mind their manners and use the various trashy displays to learn how to compose yourself online or in any other public space properly. Prepare to enter a world filled with rednecks, beers and other misfits of society that prove to you exactly why they're outcasts.