20 Wholesome Posts Taken From The Depths Of Facebook

Facebook is an interesting part of the internet. For some, it's an ancient piece of social media that's become a relic of the past, but for others, it's a digital foundry of fresh online content to be consumed daily. You'll find there are plenty of examples of people doing wholesome acts online, from good samaritans helping out strangers to cute pictures of cats or dogs, the internet is an almost endless source of heartwarming content, one of these places happens to be the Facebook group Wholesome Meets The Internet.
Boasting almost 500k followers, this group is a depository of a variety of wholesome tweets, stories, and news articles that give you butterflies in your stomach. Each post is an awe-inspiring story that reminds you of the potential of the human spirit, and that despite all the terrible things that happen around the world, there is still some good in this world.