21 Awful Memes Taken From The Cesspools Of Facebook

Whether you're an avid Facebook user or scroll on the platform occasionally, you've probably been blessed with your fair share of incredibly cringy Facebook memes. The type of memes you see your extended, slightly insane family members reposting, usually either incredibly controversial political takes or slight jabs at the younger generation, often complaining about how much they have it easy or throwing around the classic "Back in my day" phrase.
Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes is one such place for all those sorts of memes, a depository of the cesspools of Facebook, if you will. The memes posted here are of the sort that make you truly question your own beliefs and values, from conservatives sharing their horrible takes to absolutely mind-boggling conspiracy theories. Each meme is arguably worse than the last, and will partly make you thank god that you're not like some of these people. As you explore this collection, prepare for a mix of laughter and second-hand embarrassment, and maybe even a small chat with your distant aunt about the weird things she's been posting on her feed.