21 Cursed Images That Are Both Humorous And Unnerving

Ever seen something that isn't particularly scary but still evokes a sense of uncomfortableness and dread? That's what "cursed images" tend to do. Sometimes, a photo is captured that is just all kinds of odd. What's happening in them is just sort of unexplainable. The content is weird, sometimes grotesque and makes people feel all off.
Cursed images, while they are not the most pleasant to look at, are kind of hard to look away from. They're like a car crash, you know nothing good is going to come from it, but the curiosity is unbeatable.
Cursed images can contain just about anything. They commonly include animals, people, people in costumes, things in places they shouldn't be, but they aren't limited to this kind of content.
For some content that will make anyone cringe and writhe in disgust that may leave you with an incurable curse, here are 21 photos from Reddit's /r/Cursed_Images.