
21 Images That Are Worth A Double-Take

images from /r/holup
images from /r/holup

Published 3 months ago

Published 3 months ago

Being on the internet means that you almost always expect the unexpected, whether it's some unwanted news you didn't want to hear or a piece of information that completely shocks you to your core. Either way, the internet is a big and mysterious place that is constantly full of surprises, so one must always be on the lookout for the next big bombshell, even if you aren't necessarily looking forward to it.

This rule especially applies on the subreddit /r/HolUp, which teaches you to stay on your toes when it comes to all sorts of information that you're fed online, giving you one shocking story after the next. This collection consists of a series of memes, posts, and news headlines that will make heads roll and eyes widen, often making you take a double take to verify what you're reading or looking at. So strap in for a wild ride and sip an energy drink, because this collection will require your full concentration.

Totally convincing makeover!

(Source: Reddit)

This ain't 1872!

(Source: Reddit)

Now how does he know…

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone got more tips?

(Source: Reddit)

Surprisingly easy too!

(Source: Reddit)

You got what now?

(Source: Reddit)

Reasonable child!

(Source: Reddit)

Reading is a skill.

(Source: Reddit)

Perfect Sign Placement!

(Source: Reddit)

Better way of fighting wars

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Temperature is unpredictable

(Source: Reddit)

One way to look at it!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Family matters!

(Source: Reddit)

Middle-aged doggo

(Source: Reddit)

All dogs go to heaven… and some send you there

(Source: Reddit)

Just a bit of motivation

(Source: Reddit)

Robin Hood paradox

(Source: Reddit)

Terrible memories!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: hold up, hol'up, /r/holup, surprising, collections,