
21 Of The Internet's Most Bizarre New Photos

Two images that are unexplained
Two images that are unexplained

Published March 28, 2024

Published March 28, 2024

Strange things are happening all around the world all the time. Wherever there are people, there is something odd and unexplainable going on. Sometimes there isn't really much that can be said about these shocking images, either everything that could be said already has, or they are so odd that they leave someone speechless. Whatever it may be, it is interesting to see the strange things that people around the world get up to every single day.

Maybe it's a little history discovery, maybe a strange piece of art, maybe an impressive but scary human feat, or perhaps it's some odd creation of nature. There are tons of things out there that have the ability to leave someone speechless. That's what Reddit is there to show. Reddit as a whole features all of the wildest images and things that users have experienced or seen during their otherwise normal days. Here is a roundup of just 21 of these shocking images found by confused Redditors lately.

This Scorpion and It's Babies

What Happens When High Voltage Lines Touch the Ground

The Inside of This Banana

Found In a Used Van


Tire Fire in Kuwait, 2021

Gas Station Employee Smoke Room

This Microwave

Creature Found Inside the Pistachios

Canned Corn in the Theatre

Hoarding Beyond the Home

Drove Through the Store

This Oddly Placed Door

This Creepy Panda Village

Some More of Them

Highly Used Keypad Up Close

Tooth Jewelry

This Mid-Air Dining Experience

This Sign?


This Art in L.A.

Tags: hmmm, reddit, animals, pigs, gross, scorpions, mildly interesting, fruit, work, insects, food, yuck, kids, dentistry, cars, hoarding, bad design, one job, pandas, creepy, cursed images, cursed, burger king, /r/hmmm, collections,