
21 Questionable Stock Images That Really Shouldn't Exist

Two images from /r/wtfstockphotos
Two images from /r/wtfstockphotos

Published April 01, 2024

Published April 01, 2024

While there's a lot of stock images that serve great purposes to people, some examples of stock photography are just insane. Stock images are photos that are made for businesses, professionals, or whoever else to use generally for commercial reasons or other projects. They are sort of supposed to be general photos depicting something that could be used in many situations, but sometimes they get really specific, like too specific.

There are some insane stock photos out there, many of them can be found on Reddit's /r/W**StockPhotos. This subreddit is filled with the most obscure and questionable stock images out there. It makes someone wonder why on Earth they were created. Who is using these pictures? And for what purpose? There isn't any context behind them, but it sure would be nice to answer a couple of questions. With so many of these weird images out there already, we've chosen just 21 more wild stock photos to enjoy and confuse today.

I Too, Like Watermelon

(Source: Reddit)

Knee Pain

(Source: Reddit)

The Office Rhino

(Source: Reddit)

What the-

(Source: Reddit)

A Strange Series of Events

(Source: Reddit)

A Normal Kids Toy

(Source: Reddit)

What Planet Is This?

(Source: Reddit)

A Normal Date

(Source: Reddit)

Looks Comfy

(Source: Reddit)

He's Shopping

(Source: Reddit)

Accountant Baby

(Source: Reddit)

Goose at the Table

(Source: Reddit)

What Kind of Party Is This?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Happened to Him?

(Source: Reddit)

The Potato Scale

(Source: Reddit)

A Fashion Icon

(Source: Reddit)

A Bird Couple

(Source: Reddit)

Big Pants

(Source: Reddit)

Robots Are Taking Over

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: stock photos, /r/wtfstockphotos, stock images, hmmm, /r/hmmm, watermelon, animals, kids, dogs, stock photography, weird, interesting, stock pictures, photography, of course thats a thing, collections,