21 Unhinged Comments That Will Leave You Very Uncomfortable

The crazy thing about the internet is how much freedom people have. The veil of anonymity that you can use while browsing the web allows you to get away with lots of things, some of which may even be downright illegal. Most of the time though, people use their new-found freedom to just troll and make unhinged posts and comments online, which is where the subreddit /r/cursedcomments comes in, a treasure trove of the most sinister posts you can find on the internet.
Whether it's someone making fun of a disabled person or just a morally questionable statement, each comment will make you scratch your head in confusion and sometimes cringe in disgust at how downright unhinged most of these comments are. If there's anything to learn from this collection, it's to be careful where you spend your time online and to think twice before publishing anything on the internet.