
22 Awkward Times People Got Caught Lying On The Internet

Two images from /r/quityourbullshit
Two images from /r/quityourbullshit

Published March 20, 2024

Published March 20, 2024

Some people just love to lie. It's like a hobby to them. Lying about whatever they please, whether that be about their life, their job, their family, or some random thing they've done. So many people steal other peoples content too and pass it off as their own. Art theft is something that happens all too often online, and seeing it get called out is so satisfying. There are so many other lies out there though that get called out too. So many social media sites, like Reddit, have post history. Anyone can see anything that that user has posted in the past, so if someone is out there lying about their life, sooner or later they will make a mistake and someone will catch it.

While there are many people who lie online and never get caught, the subreddit /r/QuitYourBull**** is the subreddit that especially features the liars who do get called out. Whether it be some internet sleuth, or the Twitter "fact check" feature, these 25 people getting caught in their lies is a hilariously awkward thing to see.

Did He Really?

(Source: Reddit)

They Were Just Hopeful

(Source: Reddit)

A.I. Art Strikes Again

(Source: Reddit)

Geography Isn't Their Strong Suit

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Picture Thief

(Source: Reddit)

Quit Lying

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Twitter Readers

(Source: Reddit)

Good Ol' Post History

(Source: Reddit)

Called Out by a Friend, Ouch

(Source: Reddit)

Tsk Tsk

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Dyes Are the Worst

(Source: Reddit)

No Pirate Ship to Be Found

(Source: Reddit)

Always An Awkward Time

(Source: Reddit)

That's Embarrassing

(Source: Reddit)

Called Out By the Artist and Twitter

(Source: Reddit)

Pulling the Hospital Card

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, Karens

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Somehow the Excuse Makes It Worse

(Source: Reddit)

Calling Them Out Herself

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/quityourbullshit, /r/thathappened, lying, cringe, moms, parenting, instagram, reels, youtube, comments, twitter, fact check, art, ai, cats, reddit, work, jobs, facebook, kids, teachers, gaming, xbox, tiktok, art theft, collections,