
22 Cringe-Inducing Photos That Hurt To See

Two images from /r/cringepics
Two images from /r/cringepics

Published May 07, 2024

Published May 07, 2024

On the internet, the cringe never stops. Cringeworthy moments and photos appear all day, every day, there truly is no end to it. Seeing something cringeworthy can be a painful experience, visually, anyways. It's like seeing something that you know is going to end badly, but not being able to look away. It's so bad to look at, but so hard to look away from.

Is it wrong to laugh at the expense of someone who is just not great at presenting themselves? Maybe. But it's really hard not to do when it's this bad. Honestly, some of these people deserve it, too. What fun is the Internet if you can't poke a little fun at something sometimes? Cringeworthy moments and photos exist everywhere, tons can be found especially on Reddit. Subreddits such as /r/cringepics and /r/sadcringe are made for users to submit the most cringeworthy things they have found while scrolling online or while in public. Here are just 22 of those visually painful pictures that everyone enjoys seeing anyway.

A girl's 'standards' list

(Source: Reddit)

Keeping it classy out here

(Source: Reddit)

Late-night raging on a community page

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This car…

(Source: Reddit)

They cannot be serious

(Source: Reddit)

This is an unfortunate scenario all around

(Source: Reddit)

Sure, Elon

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

OP's grandma died

(Source: Reddit)

Can't deal with dumb people

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever works, I guess

(Source: Reddit)

Biggest red flag of all

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

One of those 'masculine improvement' accounts

(Source: Reddit)

So lonely

(Source: Reddit)

That's crazy

(Source: Reddit)

An actual ad on Reddit

(Source: Reddit)

This Discord bio

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

At the gym with Jesus

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/cringepics, /r/sadcringe, cringe, cringeworthy, dating, delusional, cars, trashy, white trash, kids, car mods, facebook, fb, insane people, pickup lines, fail, joker, reddit, emojis, instagram, social media, proposals, taco bell, collections,